Thursday, February 6, 2025

Predicting the crisis rotation after the two AMG Podcast interviews

First of all, if you have the time to listen to the interviews Will Shick had with Fury's Finest and together with Ben Ransom with Across the Bifrost listen to them. They are fantastic. It's always great to hear these guys talking about the game. 

Now what have we learned from it? 

I'll devide this into clearly stated facts first and then some predictions of my own about what the new crisis rotation will be based on hints they gave during the interviews. 


There's going to be a minimum of 1 new crisis pack every year from now on. 

You'll never be forced to buy those packs for competitive play. There's always going to be a print and play version of the cards chosen for the challenger rotation (more on that in a second). Shick outright said: we're a miniatures company not a card game company. You'll buy the pack if you like the miniature inside, not for the cards. 

Not all crisis cards in War of Kings are going to be in the rotation for Challenger events.

The total number of crisis cards in challenger will decrease and be an even split between extracts and secures. 

Updates to existing characters are coming "at an event you'd expect something like this to happen" which probably means Adepticon or Ministravaganza but no confirmation if it's going to be this year or not (but I'm sure it is). 

They are very aware of what the community sees as a problem but nerfing takes some time as the nerfed version needs to be tested and tested against the stuff coming out next that we don't know about yet. 

Research Station will definitely be rotated out. 

The new rotation will only go live after Adepticon. 

There will be new map lay outs that will be "not too close together but also not too far apart"


Both Will and Ben often remarked that some typical play patterns will be taken care off per the new crisis rotation. What they hinted at repeatedly is that you won't be able to stock up on a certain map type anymore. So my prediction is: there's going to be 9 extracts and 9 secures with a unique shape each (so 9 maps in total and no two extracts and secures are the same layout). 

With them saying not all new crisis will be the challenger rotation I predict 3 new secures and 4 new extracts will make the cut. Leaving 6 existing secures and 5 of the existing extracts.

Here are the ones I'm sure will go

Secure Crisis

Gamma Wave Sweeps Across Midwest (E, 15)

S.W.O.R.D. Establishes Base on Moon‘s Blue Area (G, 15)

Riots Spark Over Extremis 3.0 (D, 17)

Extract Crisis

Research Station Attacked! (E, 15) (R)

Deadly Legacy Virus Cured? (C, 19)

Spider-Infected Invade Manhattan (F, 17)

These are the ones I could see reasonably not making the cut: 

Secure Crisis

Mutant Madman Turns City Into Lethal Amusement Park (B, 18) (but I'd be sad to see it go)

Portals Overrun City With Spider-People! (D, 18)

Intrusions Open Across City As Seals Collapse (C, 19)

Extract Crisis

Fear Grips World As “Worthy“ Terrorize Cities (D, 18) (even though Fear itself is one of Will Shicks favourite comic story lines of all time)

Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership (J, 20)

These ones I expect to be in:

Cosmic Invasion! Black Order Descends on Earth (D, 16)

Mayor Fisk Vows To Find Missing Witnesses (H, 16)

Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians (I, 17)

Guardians Save Shi‘ar Empress in Style (M, 17)

Infinity Formula Goes Missing! (B, 17)

Demons Downtown! Has Our Comeuppance Come Due? (E, 19)

Super-Powered Scoundrels Form Sinister Syndicate (F, 20)

+ 2 new ones from War of Kings. One on the J map and one with a completely new shape. Maybe one similar to a D but closer together a bit. 

Extract Crisis

Paranoia Pummels Populace! (K, 16)

Alien Ship Crashes In Downtown! (C, 17)

Scientific Samples Found in Discovered Universe (D, 17)

Struggle For The Cube Continues (F, 17)

The Montesi Formula Found (E, 18)

Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators! (L, 19)

Ship Security Breached in Royal Rescue (J, 20)

+2 more new ones from War of Kings. On on the new M shape and one completely new

What this will do is make list building and going all in on one strategy and archetype much harder as you'll have to be able to adapt to a much larger variation of crisis. This in turn will do something that many people have asked for a lot of times: make midrange more viable and don't help the extremes by giving them enough favourable crisis too stock up on them.

What do you think? 

The Inhumans update is currently being done and should be out during the course of the weekend. 

If you want to support me in what I do here and get something out of these articles you could consider becoming a Patron at 

Thank you for reading and Cheers from Germany 🍻

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