Today we take a look at each currently legal character specific unaffiliated character Team Tactics Card in MCP (you can find my rating for all affiliated TTCs in their respective Affiliation Overviews)
We'll rate each card on this scale:
S = Stapled to the stat card. The card is a big strength increase to the character and often the reason to chose it over a similar option without a card like it.
A = A very good card you want to have in your roster but will pick for your squad based on the situation and not every time you bring the character(s)
B = A decently good card, often more situational than S or A rated ones.
C = Often an overcosted card. It is a card with a decent to good effect but the cost in power (and/or other resources like actions etc.) is too high.
D = Straight to the dumpster. Enjoy the art of the card but never ever consider using it in any kind of even semi competitive games.
Team Tactics (157) so this will take a while...
I've added the character(s) that use the card and kept everything alphabetically. If you want to search for a specific character or card you can find them the most easiest per the "search on this website" function of your browser.
A Better Tomorrow
Characters: Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales
B. It's a high cost high reward card. The biggest hurdle against it is Miles and Kamala not sharing any affiliations.
Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
Characters: She-Hulk and Hulk
C-. While the effect of throwing a size 5 terrain feature L is amazing the opportunity cost of having both She-Hulk and Hulk on the table and having to pay 3 power each is very high.
Astral Plane
Character: Shadow King
B. While the effect isn't amazing it can be quite helpful. It's also very cheap.
Battle Bound
Characters: Archangel and Psylocke
A. It's a very strong effect for a very reasonable price and uses a good and an excellent character.
Battle Plan
Character: Steve Rogers
A-. The price is pretty high and Steve isn't especially great at generating power in all his versions but it's very good when you get to use it, especially as each character can choose a different effect.
Bear Hug
Character: Ursa Major
D. It's a card that should just be a reactive superpower on Ursas card instead of a TTC.
Bird of Prey
Character: Sam Wilson
B. It's a fine effect on a good character. Not necessary for Sam to be great but also not a card you are mad at for having in your 10.
Blood Red and Personal
Character: Punisher
A. If you play Punisher (which admittedly is a big if) you should strongly consider the card.
Brand New Day
Character: Mephisto, Lord of Temptation
B+. Like all of Mephistos card it offers huge upside but is rather hard to set up.
Call for Backup
Character: Nova
B+. Strong effect but Nova spends his power so well that there isn't the opportunity to play it very often in my experience. Can win you the game sometimes though.
Can I Borrow That?
Character: Quicksilver
A-. If the extract is an Asset and you play Quicksilver you use the card.
Carbonadium Synthesizer
Character: Omega Red
B+. The effect is pretty good but on a character that could need a little upgrade.
Carnage Rules
Character: Carnage
A-. It's a very good card but sadly on a character that is niche at the very best.
Charming Thief
Character: Gambit
D. This is just sad. It should simply be a steal. As is it's an un-interesting on a below average model.
Chi Mastery
Character: Shang-Chi
S-. It's very very good and used in about 3/4 of all games with Shang. He can work without it but it just ensures you get the key Stagger (or kill) off when you need it.
Character: Deadpool
C+. It's funny and can sometimes be used to decent effect. I wouldn't use a card slot on it though.
Clean Up
Characters: Peter Parker and Agent Venom.
A. While it's pretty situational it is absolutely great in the Web Warriors mirror where Agent Venom shines anyway.
Cloning Banks
Character: Mister Sinister
C. It's mostly a meme. It's very hard to set up and robs Essex of his important resource. I wouldn't bother with it personally.
Comrade‘s Keeper
Character: Red Guardian
S. It's not an overturned card but a very good one and you shouldn't consider playing Red Guardian without the card in your roster at the very least and 9 times out of 10 with the card in your 5 when you play him in your squad.
Cosmic Obliteration
Character: Johann Schmidt
A+. While each Red Skull variant can live without the card and still be very good there's little reason not to use it. Especially with the more aggressive Red Skulls 2 and 3.
Covering Fire
Character: Elsa Bloodstone
B+. The effect sounds amazing at first but probably won't trigger as often as you'd like. The cost is pretty low though which is nice.
Crimson Dawn
Character: Psylocke
B. The effect is amazing but it will probably be very late in the game when you can actually use it, diminishing the return somewhat.
Dark Aura Manifestation
Character: Darkstar
D. For some reason it effects allied characters too which makes an already not great card even worse.
Dark Past
Character: Gambit
A. It's by far the strongest argument for having Gambit in your roster. Weird that you don't get to use it in X-Men though.
Daughters of Thanos
Characters: Gamora and Nebula
A-. It's harder to set up than you'd think but it's also pretty cheap after it's update and worth taking the risk for.
Deadly Duo
Characters: Rocket Raccoon and Groot
S. It's probably the best team up card in the game. There's very little reason to ever leave this card at home when you play the pair. And as you can see here it is unaffiliated. So you can splash them together and bring the card.
Deal With the Devil
Character: Ghost Rider
A. While you absolutely try and bring the card with Johnny it really depends on your squad if it is worth it. Trading a Wong for a Ghost Rider is more than worth it. Doing the same for a 4 threat not so much.
Death From Above
Character: Archangel
C-. It's a very long and complicated text for what ends up a very easy and also highly underwhelming effect.
Devil‘s Reckoning
Character: Mephisto, Lord of Temptation
B. It's the Legion of the Lost leadership which is technically an unaffiliated card. For more on it check out the LotL Affiliation Overview.
Dimensional Quagmire
Character: Man-Thing
B+. It's relatively cheap and offers a high level of disruption.
Do You Know Who I Am?
Character: Juggernaut
S. While Juggs does work without the card it is such a big asset to have in your 5 with him on the board that you'd need a very specific reason for not taking it.
Double Agent
Character: Spider-Woman
B+. Don't really expect to see Jess double activating with this card but rather it forcing your opponents hand during in order of activations. Which is still a good thing.
Elemental Infusion
Character: Crystal
B-. It's a decent effect and importantly also works with throws and other sources of damage not just attacks. The biggest issue is keeping Crystal alive for the card to matter.
Embrace the Inferno
Character: Mephisto, Lord of Temptation
C+. Definitely the weakest of the Mephisto cards in my opinion. It's biggest downfall is that it is reroll "all" and not "any".
Characters: Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight
A. While the set-up is difficult and the price pretty high the effect is also very strong and worth it. Will you be able to fit the couple in your squad outside of Black Order? That's probably the biggest hurdle here.
Eye In The Sky
Character: Nick Fury
S-. While in SHIELD the card is central to your roster and game play even when you play Fury as a splash somewhere else you should give the card a thorough check. Only getting to play it once (like a normal TTC) is obviously weaker than each round but it can still safe a key activation, which can win you the game.
Faithful Companion
Characters: Shadowcat or Magik
C+. While it's a cute card where Lockheed retaliates for his lady friends being attacked, the attack is rather weak. It is free though which is nice. You'd be hard pressed to ever fit it in your 5 though.
Character: Angel
A-. Upgrading your 3 threat to a 4 threat is pretty cool. It's also an absolute lore win. The main issue here is that Angel comes with another personal TTC that will more often than not edge this card out as you'll probably won't bring two character specific cards for your 3 threat objective runner.
Fan Club
Characters: Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel
B+. Ms. Marvel gains really good effects here. Would be even better if both would be A-Force affiliated (as no Avengers leader really makes them shine together).
Fastball Special!
Characters: Wolverine and Colossus
S-. If you bring both you should also bring the card. Which is a big if but for exactly in Servants of the Apocalypse the two will see the table together often enough.
Fearful Symmetry
Character: Kraven, the Hunter
S++. You automatically win the game, event and year if you pull it off! (No not really)
Realistically it's nowadays up from D to a C as with Spectacular Spider-Man there's a Peter Parker that is often used and that Kraven has a realistic chance of killing.
Forced Extraction
Character: Mister Sinister
C. It can be fine in a Healing Factor heavy squad like Weapon X.
Fusion Caster
Character: Crimson Dynamo
D. Just no.
Gamma Burst
Character: Abomination
A. It's a very strong effect for a decent price on an already very good character. It's not an S because Abomb works great without it anyway but if you can fit in the card you should give it a try.
Gamma Drain
Character: The Immortal Hulk
B-. The effect is nice enough to keep iHulk powered up but there's another personal TTC for him that you'll probably choose over this one 9 times out of 10.
Gamma Launch
Character: Hulk
C+. Having to be played in Hulks activation kind of kills the card.
Giant‘s Blood
Character: Loki Laufeyson
A+. While both versions of Loki work fine without the card it's effect is so strong that you should consider it.
Glory of Ultron
Character: Ultron
C+. Useable by both versions of Ultron but far more interesting with the Metal Tyrant the card isn't really bad per se but you can often find more interesting options so it struggles to ever make your 5.
Go Get ‘em Tiger
Character: Peter Parker
B-. The effect is good but none of rh three Peters is a reliable killer making the set-up rather hard.
Gotta Get Some Air
Character: Logan, the Wolverine
A. Great since allied characters can be used proactively to trigger it and give Logan a free advance. Just be careful with your positioning.
Happy Birthday, Runt!
Character: Victor Creed
A+. It's a very good action less attack that doesn't even have to be used in Creeds activation . The steal against Logan's is just a nice little bonus.
Helios Laser Bombardment
Character: Tony Stark
A+. Not an every game card but one you should heavily consider if you have any of the three Starks on your roster.
Heroes for Hire
Characters: Luke Cage or Iron Fist
S. If you have either or both in your roster you also bring the card. Especially for Luke Cage it also puts the character(s) straight up over other characters with a similar role.
Hideous Monster
Character: Frankenstein's Monster
A-. Sacrifice like cards are always great but Frank always works fine enough without it.
Highway to Hell
Character: Ghost Rider
C. Big points for style here but on the board it doesn't really work too well.
Hold Still
Character: Shadowcat
C. Would be S if the objective drop wouldn't require a wild trigger on 6 dice which is much to unreliable to risk a TTC on.
Hood's Gang
Character: Hood
B-. Having to play it in Hoods activation is what costs it a lot of rating points.
Human Weapon
Character: Shang-Chi
A. Would see the table a lot if Chi Mastery wouldn't exist.
I Am A Baron, After All
Character: Helmut Zemo
S. The card that pushed already extremely good original Core Set Baron Zemo over the edge. It's also great with Zemo 2 (and should have maybe been limited to him).
Illicit Tech
Characters: Sin or Crossbones
B+. Arguably not useable by especially strong characters but it is a good attack for a low investment and guaranteed incinerate not only for the target but also their friends in Range 2.
Inexplicable Demise
Character: Squirrel Girl
C. It's a funny meme card. Use it accordingly.
Character: Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos
D. New game: ask everybody you play to name the effect of this card.
It‘s Time Travel... Don‘t Ask
Character: Cosmic Ghost Rider
D. It's Time Travel... Don't Bother either.
Characters: Wolverine or Cyclops (and Jean Grey needs to be on the table too)
C. At least gives you an excuse to show off your bad acting skills at the table.
Jonathan the Unstoppable
Character: Honey Badger
B. Can be interesting on wide maps where he isn't easily removed.
Journey Through Limbo
Character: Magik
A+. If you have Magik on the board you'll try to bring the card too but all of her affiliations have a lot of cards already which makes fitting it in hard sometimes.
Last-Minute Save
Character: Lockjaw
C+. It can of course be game winning but more often than not things will not work out that way.
Characters: Toad and the Blob
B. Toad dealing damage is a difficult to meet trigger but the effect is pretty good when you do.
Lethal Protector
Character: Venom
S-. If you play Venom (again a big if sadly) you also play this card.
Magnetic Crush
Character: Magneto
D+. It's very expensive on a not great attack at least the auto damage is interesting.
Magnetic Refraction
Character: Magneto
S. You'll never play a Magneto game without the card. It's of course best in Brotherhood but would be good enough to bring outside of that affiliation if you'd ever play Magneto somewhere else (which is sadly very unlikely).
Makin‘ A Ruckus
Character: Juggernaut
C+. Held back by Juggs not gaining extra dice for the movement (as it can't be his activation) and it not being Do You Know Who I Am?
Mass Transit
Character: Nightcrawler
B-. Some people have found success with the card but I'm not a fan myself as I think the cost is too high.
Meet My Executioner
Characters: Skurge, the Executioner and Enchantress
A+. If you can manage to fit both characters in your squad you should bring the card.
Mental Domination
Characters: Jean Grey or Cassandra Nova
S. You should never leave the house without this card if you have either of the (very situational) psychic power house ladies on the table.
Midnight Phantasmagoria
Character: Malekith the Accursed
A+. Back in the bad old days it was part of what pushed Mal far over the edge of OK but since he's been struck back to earth a lot it isn't as bad anymore. The card is still very good and should be brought with him if you can fit it in.
Mind Games
Character: George Tarleton
B. It's definitely more fun an reliably competitive but also not something that should outright loose you the game for trying to pull off.
Mind If I Cut In?
Character: Rogue
B-. In the right situation it can mess with your opponents power economy. That might not be enough to be worth the card slot though.
Mind Transfer
Character: Emma Frost
B. Listen to Jaime from Across the Bifrost to learn how to play the card.
Monkey Brain Is Lizard Home
Character: Lizard
B. It's a good card on a good character. But he does his job well enough without it which means taking the card has a high opportunity cost.
Mutant Traitor
Characters: Lucas Bishop and Gambit
B-. It's a very unique effect exchanging one of Gambits actions for a Beam attack from Lucas Bishop and the attack is decent.
Mystic Menace
Character: The Wrecking Crew
A+. Hex is the best condition in the game and creating a no go zone around a 65mm base is simply fantastic.
No More Mutants
Character: Scarlet Witch
S. If you bring Wanda you play this card.
No, Try This One!
Character: Gwenpool
B-. It's a card that you need to consider in roster building before you pick your last couple of TTCs as it allows you to pull in super situational cards when that situation comes up.
On Patrol
Characters: Spider-Woman or Carol Danvers
C+. It would be an A to S tier card if Jess and either Carol had the money to spend for it in round 1 when it would trigger a lot.
One Below All
Character: The Immortal Hulk
S. Even better in Midnight Sons, which is by far and away iHulks best home, but worth everywhere you want to take him.
Over The Top
Character: Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos or Steve Rogers
C. It may possibly be worth it for a Steve to have him score a secure he otherwise wouldn't have. I'd never consider it for Howling Commandos if it gets them into Range 3 of anyone as they are very squishy and have a decent chance to die in their own activation this way.
Characters: Tony Stark and either Thor Odinson or Carol Danvers
C+. It's the card with the most possible character combinations, an impressive 12, though which is something I guess? Otherwise you'll never want to spend so much power on any of the four characters that could even with Hulkbuster (the best target for the card by a mile) on the table.
Pardon Me, Sugah
Character: Rouge
C+. An absolute killer card against X-Men because it doesn't specify allied characters so you can zap your opponents Mutants with it. Too high a price for too weak an effect otherwise.
Phases of the Moon
Character: Werewolf by Night
C. Even writing this during a full moon here in Germany I can only give the card style points. I simply don't like it. Instant Recovery does more for Jack in my experience.
Plots Within Plots
Character: Maximus the Mad
A-. It's very expensive but also very good.
Plundered Goods
Character: Yondu Udonta
B. It's a good effect but I'm afraid Yondu won't be long for the world if he's in Range 3 to multiple enemy characters which is usually not a place he wants to be.
Power of the Cosmos
Character: Thanos
B+. It will usually be an A3 attack when Thanos has two Gems and the push is what sells it here. Getting damage through on 6 dice isn't as automatic as it main seem though and four power is also a high price. At least the attack is energy, the type with the lowest average defense.
Praetor of the Imperial Guard
Character: Gladiator
B-. You need at least three confidence tokens to make it a net power gain and that is harder to achieve than you'd think. Gladiator also has very good other ways to use his power making it less interesting, too.
Prince‘s Protection
Character: Namor, the Sub-Mariner
B+. There's two schools of thoughts on this card. The first says it's a Sacrifice like TTC and that alone makes it always worth it. The other, and the one I agree with, says that directing attacks into your highly mobile and big impact but not in any way tanky 5 threat isn't a good idea.
Characters: Clinton Barton and Natasha Romanoff
C. The timing is just way to weird here and should be fixed. If the card could be played after a Clinton Barton attack was resolved (and did damage) it would be awesome. As is you just gamble too much on his attacks to do something. Might be more interesting with Ronin in the future (but he was shown as Clint not Clinton Barton 😅)
Protector of the Empire
Character: Gladiator
A-. Basically a 'Got Your Back' that includes an M movement for Gladiator. The potential for a confidence token is just a nice little bonus.
Psionic Constructs
Character: Psylocke
B+. Very dependent on your squad and your opponents. Fantastic in the right situation, not worth it in others. In general you want someone with a very big attack to use it on. Apocalypse or Gladiator come to mind here.
Psychic Fortress
Character: MODOK
A-. A range 4 cover bubble around a 65mm base is pretty awesome. It also doesn't have to be played in MODOKs activation.
Psychic Shockwave
Characters: Ebony Maw and Supergiant
S in theory; D in reality. Can you say at the top of your head what this card does? No? Do you know Well-Laid Plans? It's an exact copy of that card but with Maw and Supergiant. Will you ever be able to have those two on the table together? Highly unlikely.
Pym Particles
Characters: Ant-Man or Wasp
A+. It's a size 3 M terrain. throw for any allied character in R3 to Ant-Man/Wasp for two power. It's very good.
Character: Pyro
S-. Pyro can work without the card as a Fire Wall bot, but with the card he offers much more threat to your opponent overall.
Character: Vulture
A. The card is great. It's putting Vulture on the table which holds it back.
Character: Nick Fury
B. It's a decent card but struggles to compete with Eye in the Sky and the affiliated cards when you play Fury in SHIELD.
Repulsor Refraction
Character: Invincible Iron Man and Captain America, First Avenger
C. Damages Steve for a not especially interesting attack.
Rhino in a China Shop
Character: Rhino
C+. If everything goes right it makes one of Rhinos attacks 13 dice. For that he needs enough power to Stampede through a size 2 and throw a size 4 terrain piece. Trading that for 2 damage doesn't appear super great.
Ricochet Blast
Characters: Iron Man and Captain America
B-. Damages Cap (which can be Steve 1 or Sam) but the attack is good with full rerolls and it's pretty cheap.
Rock and Troll
Character: Ulik
B+. It doubles down on Uliks biggest strength which is mobility. It can be redundant but can also make him even better at his job.
Royal Guardians
Characters: Gorgon and Karnak
A+. It's highly unlikely that you'd bring either character without the card. Even better when you play both.
Sable International
Character: Silver Sable
B+. Gaining VP through a TTC is always worth looking into. If you feel that your team has good ways to set Sable up for the kills it's absolutely worth a try.
Character: Warlock
C+. The effect is decent but Warlock isn't really the character you want in range of multiple enemy characters in the first place making it a card you'll rarely get a lot out of.
Service to Anubis
Character: N'Kantu, the Living Mummy
C. It drains N'Kantu of both power and Soul tokens which he can both spent in much better ways.
Seven Suns of Cinnibus
Character: Doctor Strange
C. It was a niche card before but with the removal of the E map it will be close to impossible to set up.
Character: Ebony Maw
S. Often what makes him interesting as a splash.
Shuriken Arashi
Character: Shadowland Daredevil
D expect in combination with a character that can reactively blow up terrain like Green Goblin or Winter Soldier, Operative. Then it's pretty funny.
Sibling Rivalry
Characters: Thor, Prince of Asgard and Loki, God of Mischief
A+. A fantastic team up card for two good characters. Getting them on the table together is sometimes difficult though, especially for Loki as he faces so much competition in Asgard. Bringing Thor in Cabal is also a tough sell as they swim in strong affiliated 5 threats.
Simpleton! I‘ll Do It Myself!
Character: George Tarleton
B. Hard to use but a good effect.
Skuttlebutt, on Me!
Characters: Beta Ray Bill or Skurge, the Executioner
B+. It's an additional attack that doesn't require an action and throws on damage. It's pretty good.
Soldat Activated
Character: James Bucky Barnes
A. It's kind of only technically unaffiliated as it can only be played in Cabal or Criminal Syndicate where you should bring it with your Bucky if you play him there.
Stark Armory
Character: Tony Stark
A+. If you have a Tony Stark in your roster either you bring this, Helios Laser of both.
Static Arc
Characters: Sandman and Electro
C+. Style points for a very creative card but sadly not a particularly strong one.
Stolen Identity
B. Nowhere near as stapled to Mystique as Deception was but can be used to good effect still.
Stronger Together
Character: the Wrecking Crew
A-. It's a very good card but in competition with the excellent Mystic Menace which, at least for me, it won't win against very often. And bringing two cards for your very squishy 4 threat is very risky.
Supersonic Annihilator
Character: Klaw
S+++. Range 5 Area attack baby!!! No seriously probably more a C+/B- as Klaw has very big issues to ever pay for it when he uses his kit correctly.
Synthetic Heart-Shaped Herbs
Character: N'Jadaka
B-. It's cool when you have a way to quickly get rid of the Poison. Otherwise you might struggle to ever use the throw.
Character: Doctor Voodoo
B. The effect is totally fine but Voodoo doesn't really need it.
The Air Force
Characters: Captain Marvel and War Machine
A. If you'd ever bring these two characters in a squad you should bring the card.
The Cat and the Spider
Characters: Peter Parker and Black Cat
A. Especially good with Spectacular Spider-Man you can afford loosing the power for Cat to safe grab the best.
The First One
Character: Apocalypse
A. You'll most likely not splash Apocalypse anywhere but it's a very good card regardless.
The Grand Illusion
Character: Mysterio
S. You absolutely always bring the card with Mysterio.
The Whims of Chaos
Character: Scarlet Witch
A. It's a very good card that will be beaten out by No More Mutants almost always.
There Will Be Carnage
Character: Carnage
A-. Handing out multiple roots for just one power each is very good.
They Say Keep Your Enemies Close...
Characters: Gwenpool or Squirrel Girl
S-. I wouldn't leave the house without the card if either of the girls is in the squad.
This Is Our Day
Character: Otto Octavius
B-. It's pretty hard to get full value out of but can be game winning if you do.
This is a Robbery
Character: Rhino
S. Even after the (necessary) nerf it's still an auto-include when you play Rhino.
Thralls of Dracula
Character: Dracula
B-. It's the leadership but technically unaffiliated.
Characters: Thor, Prince of Asgard and Captain America
B-. I have never played it or seen it being played but it looks decent.
Till the End of the Line
Characters: Winter Soldier and Captain America
B-. It's expensive but pretty good when you can set it up.
To Ash and Cinder
Characters: Sin or Crossbones
A. Creates a no go zone for a round which is pretty cool and unique.
Ultimate Sacrifice
Character: Angel
A+. A Sacrifice like card that potentially heals the original target. Very good.
Uneasy Allies
Character: Venom and Spider-Man
D+. More interesting with Miles and Venom as Spider-Man (Peter Parker) is by far the least played of any Spider-Men but suffering damage on two characters for 3 dice is a very bad trade off.
Untapped Potential
Characters: Emma Frost and Iceman
B-. It's a very cool and unique card but neither of the two characters usually swims in power to make full use of it. What it will usually boil down to is Bobby using Freeze and Fade twice with 5 die beams. Not nothing but also nothing to built your squad around.
Up the Ante
Character: Mephisto, Lord of Temptation
A+. My favorite Mephisto card and the one I would always bring with him.
Usurp the Throne
Character: Killmonger
S. I wouldn't play Killmonger without the card.
Vapors of Valtorr
Character: Doctor Strange
D. Hard setup and high price for a chance of a decent effect. No thanks.
Character: Elektra
C-. Other characters have this or a similar effect, which is fine, just printed on their stat card. The opportunity cost ist just too high here.
Vertical Assistance
Character: Natasha Romanoff
A. Gives free movement for an allied character. Always worth considering it you bring a widow.
Veterans of the Annihilation War
Characters: Nova and Gamora
B. While it absolutely should've been the name of a GotG leadership for Nova the card is decent.
Victory Assured
Character: Johann Schmidt
B. I never considered this card because Cosmic Obliteration is so stapled to any Red Skull you bring that investing in a second card for him is difficult but it isn't unplayable by any means.
We Are Groot
Character: Groot
A. It's a very good card that often struggles to fit into the 5.
Weapon X Program
Characters: Wolverine or Sabretooth
A. Sadly it's Wolverine not James Logan Howlet so you can't have Weapon X play Weapon X Programm in Weapon X. (I adore AMG but naming stuff isn't their best ability 😅)
Weapons of Midgard
Character: Skurge, the Executioner
C. Behold, my stuff! The card. Not great though. Blown out of the water by Scuttlebutt, on me.
Well-Laid Plans
Characters: Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus
S. Baseline to the Green Goblin Spider-Foes game plan.
Wisdom of the Ancestors
Character: T'Challa
A+ with King T.
A with Black Panther
C with Black Panther, Chosen of Bast
Characters: Laura Kinney and James Logan Howlet
C+. More usable now with Weapon X and X-23 but still very expensive.
Character: Deadpool
C-. Some of its effects Deadpool can just do per his stat card now.
You Will Do As I Say, Monster
Characters: Abomination and George Tarleton
B+. It's very expensive but fantastic if you find the money (power) for it.
That's it. I'll update the list with any new cards that show up in the future.
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Thank you for reading and Cheers from Germany 🍻
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