Saturday, March 1, 2025

February 2025 affiliation stats


Hello and welcome to the February 25 stats article. This will be the last month using mostly the old crisis rotation an we will only be looking at the stats from the 5th onwards as the big nerd to Thor 2, Thanos and HFC came on the 7th and Longshanks sets the dates to the closest Wednesday. 

As last month we will first look at the stats from all events (AE) and then rated singles events (RSE). I will also give a plus and minus compared to January. 

Let's begin: 

All Events: 

While once again not being super popular the Wizards of the Convocation have been the most successful affiliation of the month in AE with an incredible 65% win rate. 

Jan: 6th. +5 

Inhumans are always good but 63% for Black Bolt and 60% (in only 10 games) for the much maligned Maximus leadership make the bad 25% (in only 4 games) for Medusa meaningless and catapulting the faction to rank #2. 

Jan: 4th. +2 

And now for probably the biggest surprise of the month. A-Force, long considered down, out and basically unplayable make quite a splash here reaching the top 3. 

Jan: 26th. +23 

T'Challa makes a bit of a comeback in Wakanda with both his leader versions having good success (in few games), while M'Baku, as the factions de facto main leader has had a good month, too. 

Jan: 12th. +8

Servants of Apocalypse remain immensely popular and also fare really well in AE. 

Jan: 7th. +2

Also popular as usual and also very successful are the Web Warriors. It's going to be very interesting to see how they will fare with the new crisis rotation next month. 

Jan: 2nd. -4

Mephistos Legion of the Lost is the most successful of the all in affiliations. Which makes sense as Mephisto himself is good and the affiliation just supports bringing the best models in the game without much inherent synergy. 

Jan: 18th +11

Led by original Red Skull (and a high win rate of RS3) Cabal has had an overall good month freed from the shackles of Thanos. 

Jan: 9th +1

Avengers were extremely popular in February and except for First Avenger all leaders had good months, too. 

Jan: 14th + 5

Green Goblin, while less popular, would bring the Spider-Foes to a top tier ranking if Doc Ock wouldn't drag the affiliation down. 

Jan: 17th. +7

New Mutants reached a positive record in the very few games played. I'm sure there will be more New Mutants announced at Adepticon (predictions article will follow later in the month), making this into a real affiliation. 

Jan: 25th. +14

Under Blade the Midnight Sons remain a force to be reckoned with. Under Elsa they have a negative record but the numbers for her have increased since last month at least. 

Jan: 15th +3

Defenders make up the perfect middle of the pack. 

Jan: 16th. +4 

Magneto has had an absolute comeback month with top tier numbers and the Brotherhood of Mutants have a little resurgence as a result. 

Jan: 21st. +7

An unusual negative record for Kingpin drags down the stats for the Criminal Syndicate.

 Jan: 10th. -5

The release of objectively best overall Marvel character Richard Rider (and very good model Yondu) has seen player numbers rise again a lot for the Guardians of the Galaxy, but it didn't translate to too much success. Personally I went 3:1 with them in February with the loss coming in a mirror match where I got tabled with 15 VP. Played Nova in all the games obviously and have been very satisfied with him. 

Jan: 8th. -8

Dormammu's Dark Dimension has lost Thor 2 in his broken form but show they can reach almost 50/50 without him. 

Jan: 13th. -4 

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Best affiliated model Thor, Prince of Asgard leads Asgard as their best leader while Jane falls into negative and Loki, Prince of Lies had to depend on broken Thor 2 to win the majority of his games. 

Jan: 1st. -17

In SHIELD the Invaders keep the boat afloat while Nick Fury drags them down the standing with a very bad 33% win rate. 

Jan: 11th. -8 

Declared dead with a terrible line up Hellfire Club, which is finally a real affiliation and almost reaches 50%. Not great but not terrible either. I'm about 100% sure Sebastian Shaw will be among the Adepticon reveals. 

Jan: 20th. = 

X-Men are generally viewed as big winners of the new crisis rotation. Which is good as they obviously do struggle with the old at the moment.

Jan: 22nd. +1

While Dracula is a very good model, his leadership lets you focus on Bleed which, as it appears, doesn't really translate into a lot of success for the Thrall of Dracula. 

Jan: 23rd. +1 

X-Force remain a head scratcher. Basically all affiliated models are good and the leadership is decent, too. Maybe the burial of the E map with the new rotation will give them a necessary boost. 

Jan: 27th. +4

With even Red Skull 2 having a bad month Hydra is pretty deep down here. New affiliated model Abomination is fantastic but he plain and simply has better homes than here. 

Jan: 19th. -5

As expected with the (beyond necessary) nerfs to Thanos and the Reality Gem there's not a lot to be expected from Black Order at the moment. They are also among the few who hate seeing the E map go, so they can only hope for something during Adepticon. 

Jan: 3rd. -22

Weapon X worked well as a counter to the Kaiju meta dominated by Thor 2. He went a away and WXs numbers tanked. They also aren't particularly popular either. 

Jan: 5th. -21

Let's just hope Nimrod will arrive sooner rather than later for the Sentinels... 

Jan: 28th. +1

Low numbers in games and wins and the very last spot for the Winter Guard. The loss of the E map will be a blessing in disguise as the faction was never really good at it despite Dynamo being very good on the shape. 

Jan: 24th. -4

Rated Singles Events 

In RSE Inhumans fare even better than in AE making them very scary to say the least. 

Jan: 14th. +13

A-Force prove their good month wasn't on the back of wacky unrated events but boost an incredible 61% win rate in RSE. 

Jan: 26th. +24

Convocation has had a fantastic month in RSE, too. 

Jan: 8th. +5

In Wakanda M'Baku is the defacto leader and the one bringing the affiliation to 4th overall. 

Jan: 16th. +8

Legion of the Lost has absolutely found its competitive footing and will be a force to be reckoned with. 

Jan: 17th. +12

Led by OG Red Skull, supported by version 3, Cabal embraces the freedom from Thanos. 

Jan: 6th. =

OG Steve also leads Avengers too a very good month in RSE. 

Jan: 10th. +3

Web Warriors had a decently strong if not dominant February in RSE. 

Jan: 2nd. -6

Dark Dimension reaches a positive record! 

Jan: 13th. +4

Making absolute surprise top 10 comeback is Brotherhood of Mutants on the back of an incredible Magneto month. 

Jan: 23rd. +13

Servants of the Apocalypse just miss the top 10 but remain a new competitive staple. 

Jan: 4th. -7

Especially Kingpins RSE numbers are drastically better than which pulls up the overall ranking for the Criminal Syndicate

Jan: 9th. -3

For Spider-Foes it's the same story in RSE as in AE: Green Goblin is less popular but far more successful. 

Jan: 25th. +12

Defenders just miss the 50%. And if filled in correctly leaderless was most successful going 3:1. 

Jan: 11th. -3

Weapon X didn't do great in RSE but definitely much better than in AE. 

Jan:  1st. -14

Baron Strucker apparently delivered when it mattered for Hydra

Jan: 21st. +5

Jane Foster holds the fort together for the drastically changed Asgard. Loki leadership falls down to terrible levels. 

Jan: 5th. -12

Despite heroic efforts of by the far the best sculpt for Steve Rogers SHIELD miss the 50% mark especially due to a terrible month for Nick Fury. 

Jan: 7th. -11

As said above, Thralls of Dracula haven't really been figured out. They aren't terrible but also not especially strong. 

Jan: 22nd. +3 

While by far the most popular affiliation of the month, Midnight Sons didn't do especially well, with Elsa not having found her footing. Her leadership has been played in more games than most other affiliations have games combined which is definitely an achievement in and of itself for such a new model. 

Jan: 15th. -5

The new Hellfire Club was not especially popular but did far better than most people would've probably expected. 

Jan: 20th. -1

In RSE Guardians of the Galaxy overall haven't had an especially good month, but a lot of games played. 

Jan: 12th. -10

New Mutants have been played so few times that Longshanks doesn't even give them a number in the rankings. They plain and simply aren't a real affiliation yet. 

Jan: 24th. +2

It doesn't come together for X-Force in RSE either. 

Jan: 27th. +4

Black Order struggles as expected. 

Jan: 3rd. -21

Sentinels sit above X-Men. All is right in the world 😁 In reality they are in drastic need for something. 

Jan: 28th. +3

X-Men have had a terrible showing in RSE last month. It's going to be interesting if they really do get a big boost from the new crisis rotation as most people expect them to do. 

Jan: 19th. -7

And finally Winter Guard has nowhere to go but up for next month. 

Jan: 18th. -9

If you want to learn more about each affiliation check out my Affiliation Overviews

That's it for today. 

If you'd like to support me you can do so at 

Cheers from Germany 🍻

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