In a truly classic match up in our IRL game this week B. and I faced off with me bringing out Goblin and his friends against the Spider Menace of the Web Warriors.
B. Got priority and we ended up on:
Riots and Skrulls at 20 threat.
Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Lizard, Venom, Carnage and Bullseye
Faced off against
Miles, Gwen, Agent Venom, Squirrel Girl, Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel.
Should I have brought Rhino? Yes obviously but even before we rolled priority I had decided that I was going to play Venom and Carnage no matter what. How well did that pan out?
Well not terrible actually:
On my left flank Lizard was able to hold his own against Squirrel Girl while, for the longest time, holding a Skrull.
In the middle of the board Venom, who sadly was pushed way up the board by the Skrull, Goblin and Bullseye took care of Agent Venom and Ms. Marvel, but Venom bid the dust in round 2 already.
On my right side Carnage and Doc Ock where up against Gwen, who left them there to support the middle and score, and Moon Knight who got sent to Konshu by Carnage but only after he spendered Carnage into dazing once.
The scoring was very tight the entire game with us going into full 6 rounds at the score of 13:15.
I was kind of sure I had the game when Gwen to my suprise flat out KOed Doc Ock who had his full health on his injured side.
Lizard went and threw Squirrel Girl of a secure and score me another 2 VPs, Goblin tried, and failed to take care of Miles, Bullseye had to stay on his secure and on the other one I had Carnage. Gwen, Squirrel Girl and Miles still had Skrulls, with Miles also holding the secure on his healthy side. With Lizard and Carnage injured and Goblin and Bullseye slowed by a very effective all webbed up play the only possible was for me to deny the 2 points Miles was getting was:
Move Carnage once, hope he dazes Gwen and then use paint the town red to reach Miles and daze him, too.
Being the incredibly amazing Damage Dealer that Carnage is to make up for his terrible defence. He failed miserably...
This brought me to 16 VP. Yes 💪
But sadly those damed Spider Folks were allowed to score to bringing their total up to 19 😩
I'll get you next time Spider-Man!
Aside from the IRL game I played no less than 4 more games over TTS last week:
A pick up game from the MCP on TTS discord with me going with pure Strucker against Wakanda with CGR. Ended 15:16 for Wakanda.
Lessons learned: Dynamo rules/ Strucker LD is real sad against models with immunities.
And then 3 games against B.:
1. Pure Strucker (again) vs. Inhumans.
I don't remember the final score but it came down to basically me making a terrible mistake in activating. I chose Strucker who double spendered to do a whole of 0 damage. Then Medusa made quick work of Pyro, who had 10 power on his injured side and would have been in a perfect position to beam and fire wall. Apparently I took some stupid pills that day...
Lessons learned: Viper is infinitely better in this game than people give her credit for. She was by far and large my best scoring model in both Strucker games. Long move, Stealth and a R2 place are just great for an extract runner. Her only sin is not being Mystique or Black Cat. But in Hydra where I needed her to be affiliated she performed very well.
Also I'm not going to go with Strucker in the competitive leagues. The leadership is great on paper but I can count on one hand how often I got to trigger either effect in to games. Drowning the opponent in conditions is great fun but I felt my rather wide list lacked the punch to take advantage of it then.
2. A-Force vs. AIM (Nudok CS) / Hydra.
We played on Deamons and Alien Ships making it a rather low scoring game where I was able to go up 8:4 after two rounds. But it left She-Hulk and Okoye in the middle where Red Skull 2, Bullseye and Ulik took both out. Captain Marvel, Psylocke and Domino kept fighting the good fight but ultimately couldn't come up with enough answers against Nudok (who was the chosen leader) and his friends ending in a 10:20 Blow out.
Lesson learned: I'm no Kurtis O. I heavily overextended She-Hulk early ending in her being out of the game early without having done a lot before.
3. Hellfire Club vs. Defenders.
Speaking of Blow outs. B. Wanted to bring Ghost rider no matter what so he went with Defenders on Fisk/ Cubes at 16 threat. Apex took out GR very easily with leaping in to him repeatedly, Dynamo tanked damage, Emma scored and Bill closed out the game in Round 3 with picking up no less than 4 cubes. It ended in a 16:4.
Lessons learned:
Hellfire Club it is for the competitive season. I already singed in for the 2nd chance season 11 league starting next week and for Fury's Finest Secret War 6 (Patron league) starting at August 6th. A while both allow different lists each week I'm going to play HFC every game no matter what.
I'm going to write about my starting Roster and possible other candidates in detail next week.
See you then!
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