Having rated every affiliated TTC in the various Affiliation Overviews and the character specific TTCs here it's only logical that we complete the set with this article.
Team Tactics (14)
Brace for Impact (R)
S+. You can really only consider not having Brace in your roster if you've built your roster with a lot of terrain throws and high above average physical defense across the entire roster. I would like it to be a free sixth card everyone just has automatically to be honest.
Fall Back (R)
A+. Fall Back is restricted for a reason. It's very strong for any team that likes to grab extracts early and hang on to them as long as anyway possible.
Grievous Wounds
C-. The timing kills the card for me. Gambling on the effect of a TTC is far too high a price to pay in a competitive setting.
Heavy Firepower
D. I had to re read the card which is already a bad sign. I would say I know the effect of about 90% of the TTCs of the top of my head and this is even one you can use with any affiliation. The condition is hard to meet and the effect is then not worth a TTC slot.
Indomitable (R)
A+. A personal favorite of mine. Situationally much stronger than Brace but more expensive and doesn't help against that size 4 building being thrown into your face.
Instant Recovery
B. Of course a far cry from X-Ceptional Healing but still good if you have multiple Healing Factor characters in your roster. Probably most interesting in X-Men/Force, Weapon X and Spider-Foes.
Joint Effort
A. Unlike Heavy Firepower this is an "add attack dice" card that can be very much worth its slot.
Patch Up (R)
S. Seeing as I lost a game to a timely use of the card just yesterday I'd say it's pretty good.
Recalibration Matrix
A+. While it can help you make an important attack more reliable it's true strength is killing an opponents spike into you.
Sacrifice (R)
S-. A card that can win you games. There are a lot of character specific versions of the effect nowadays making it easier to not spending a card slot on it.
B+. It's a good and well balanced card. It helps mitigate the feels bad of having your characters dazed and then KOed before it got to activate again. Costing power equal to the characters threat is a great way to balance the card. Beware of Namor, who ignores the effect though.
D-. It's one of the worst cards in the game. Because it effectively costs 6 power and two action to make a mediocre attack, that might heal you a bit. Yeah no thanks. Cool theme though.
Versatile Strategy
B-. The card had an Updates you can get from AMGs website or Jarvis Protocol. It seems great, especially as you can now play it after your first leader dies but requires a dedicated plan. If you only bring it in case your first leader dies you could've most likely gotten more milage out of the card slot.
A. Once per game aggressive might not sound like much but can catch your opponent of guard and guarantee a VP in the right situation.
That's it for today.
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Cheers from Germany 🍻
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